robust digital marketing agency

Welcome to PlanB Media,
an innovative digital marketing agency powered by data.

About Us

PlanB Media: Where Creativity and Results Converge

Welcome to PlanB, an innovative growth marketing agency powered by data analytics. With an extensive team of over 50 experienced consultants, we have earned the trust of renowned brands and emerging startups across the globe. Our expertise lies in harnessing the power of cutting-edge technology to unlock the full digital potential of our clients.

step by step



As PlanB Media, we develop a comprehensive growth strategy, combining market research, clear goal setting, and a tailored digital approach to ensure your marketing efforts align perfectly with your business objectives



At PlanB Media we execute your digital marketing plan through targeted ad campaigns, optimized SEO practices, and continuous UI/UX enhancements, effectively bringing your strategy to life and driving measurable results



PlanB Media utilizes analytics tools to track performance, analyze data to identify strengths and areas for improvement, and optimize your campaigns to stay ahead of the competition and achieve sustained growth

Our Services



Shaping how people perceive your business, building trust and loyalty.

Digital Brand Strategy

Craft your online presence. We build a strong, consistent brand that resonates across all digital channels.

Digital Brand Identity

Your digital storefront's personality. We design the visual elements and craft your unique voice, ensuring a consistent and memorable online presence that resonates with your target audience.

Digital Experience Design

Elevate your digital touchpoints. We design user-friendly and engaging experiences across all your digital touchpoints.

Paid Marketing for Branding

Get seen, get remembered. We leverage paid ads to reach your ideal customers and build lasting brand recognition.


Organic Growth

The natural path to success. Attract ideal customers through strategic content and SEO, building a loyal audience organically.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO / ASO)

Be seen on search engines and app stores. We elevate your online presence with SEO and ASO strategies.

Content Marketing

Tell stories, build connections. We create valuable content that attracts, engages, and converts your audience.

Personalized search experience

Smart search starts here. We craft compelling content and optimize websites for the future of search, delivering personalized experiences tailored to your audience.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Turn website visitors into customers. We optimize your site to increase desired actions, like purchases or sign-ups.


Paid Growth

Amplify Your Reach, Drive Results  Targeted paid advertising to reach the right audience and achieve your marketing goals.

Search Engine Ads

Get seen when they're searching. We craft targeted search engine ads to reach ideal customers at the exact moment they need what you offer.

Social Media Ads

Reach your tribe, build relationships. We leverage social media advertising to connect with your target audience on the platforms they use most, fostering relationships and brand loyalty.

Display Ads

Expand your reach, boost awareness. We place eye-catching display ads across the web, reaching new audiences and boosting brand recognition.

Remarketing Ads

Bridge the gap in the user journey. We utilize retargeting ads to seamlessly connect with website visitors after they leave your site, reminding them of your brand and guiding them back to complete their desired action.

Shopping Ads

Seamless shopping journey, Increased sales. We leverage shopping ads with rich product details to showcase your offerings directly to interested shoppers within their search journeys, driving clicks and conversions.

Some of our amazing clients


The Mother’s Day 2024 digital marketing campaign for Zen Diamond was a resounding success, surpassing all initial objectives and delivering impressive results.

120% increase in sales compared to the previous year
Recorded a 50% increase in website traffic

Case Study

Zen Diamond
Mother's day 2024

Zen Diamond is a renowned luxury jewelry brand known for its exquisite diamond collections. With a reputation built on elegance, craftsmanship, and timeless beauty, Zen Diamond caters to discerning customers seeking high-quality diamond jewelry for special occasions and everyday elegance.

Campaign Overview

To capitalize on the sentiment and gifting spirit of Mother’s Day 2024, Zen Diamond launched an ambitious digital marketing campaign aimed at boosting sales and increasing website traffic. The campaign ran from April 15, 2024, to May 15, 2024, and leveraged multiple digital marketing channels to achieve its objectives.


Strategies Implemented

Content Creation: Developed a series of emotionally resonant content pieces

Celebrity Collaborations: Partnered with famous football player Icardi! Build trust through authentic endorsements.

PPC Advertising: Launched targeted Google Ads campaigns to capture high-intent searches related to Mother’s Day gifts and diamond jewelry.

Social Media Ads: Ran targeted ads on Facebook and Instagram utilizing demographic and interest-based targeting to reach potential customers.

Web Site Enhancements: Created dedicated landing pages for mother’s day collections, ensuring a seamless and visually appealing shopping experience.

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Reach out to us today and get a complimentary business review and consultation.